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Sonic Arts Forum at Huddersfield (UK) on 6 Apr 19 (Sa)

The Sonic Arts Forum will be holding an event in Huddersfield (UK) on Saturday 6th of April 2019.

This is an opportunity for creative people, working with sound as a significant element in their practice, to introduce their work and receive feedback in a friendly, and supportive, environment.

Over the past 15 years our events have featured introductions from a wide spectrum of artists, musicians, technologists and noise-makers working with live electronics, field recordings, fixed media, audio vision, installation, algorithmic composition etc in a wide variety of different ways. We are an inclusive group with introducers coming from a range of backgrounds: from postal work to academia, and much inbetween.

In addition to our usual call for introducers, for this event we are also interested in receiving papers addressing the theme of ‘Technology and Polyphony‘, ie how technology can be used to create new structures, or expand / rediscover / repurpose ‘traditional’ structures.

Approaches might cover

  • polytimbral music (horizontal presentation of different simultaneous tone colours)

  • polyphonic approaches to composition (expanding / inventing rules governing the interactions of musical lines)

  • multiple parts in improvised performance (interactions between parts and limits / rules which might be used)

  • multiple geographic sites (simultaneous presence of different spaces, which are live and / or recorded)

  • spatial polyphony (using placement of different sounds, or same sound, within a single space to create polyphony)

If you are interested in introducing / presenting a paper, please fill in a very short form here:

Nota bene: Introducers, and those reading papers, will need to physically attend the event.

Deadline: 6 Feb 2019 (W)

Photo credit: Coryn Smethurst at Sonic Arts Forum FB group. See also the event page.



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