April 7-8, 2017 Computer Music Center at Columbia University Prentis Hall 632 West 125th Street New York, NY 1002
Reembodied Sound is an interdisciplinary symposium focusing on the increasing use of transducers in music and sonic art, a subject which has received scant attention as a unified practice. While transducers have been used by artists since their inception, the last ten years have seen an increasing prevalence of surface speakers or “sound exciters” in musical composition, sound installation, and sound art. In essence, sound is taken from its original source and “reembodied” into a new object (or recursively back into the original source) such as a metal sheet, piano, or other resonant object, often with the addition of mixed synthesis and other computer-based processes.
Click here for more details: http://blogs.cuit.columbia.edu/reembodiedsound/