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Call for Applications: Organized Sound Volume 31, Number 2

Organised Sound is a fully peer-reviewed scholarly journal focusing on the rapidly developing methods and issues arising from the use of contemporary technology in fields such as multimedia, performance art, sound sculpture and electroacoustic composition. It is a forum for music scholars, composers, performers, computer specialists, mathematicians and engineers to share the results of their research as they affect musical issues. Young researchers will be particularly encouraged. Contributors of accepted articles are encouraged to submit accompanying sound examples and other multimedia material for inclusion in the DVD that will accompany the journal annually.

Call for Submissions - Volume 31, Number 2

Issue thematic title: Embedding Algorithms in Music and Sound Art

Date of Publication: August 2026

Publishers: Cambridge University Press

Deadline for submission: 15 September 2025

"... More recently, advances in artificial intelligence have made it possible to embed machine learning models into instruments, introducing new aesthetics and practices in which curating a dataset and training a model are part of the artistic process. These trends in music and sound art have sparked a broad discourse addressing notions of agency, autonomy, authenticity, authorship, creativity and originality. There are aesthetic, epistemological, and ethical implications arising from the practice of building sound-making instruments that incorporate algorithmic processes. How do intelligent instruments affect our musical practice?

... For this special issue of Organised Sound we seek articles that address the aesthetic and cultural implications that designing and embedding algorithms has on electroacoustic music practice and sound art. We are interested in the role of this new technological context on musical practice."

For detailed information, please read more here.



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