The Asian Composers League (ACL) will be holding ACL 2020 festival in Christchurch, New Zealand, on 28 April 2020 – 2 May 2020 (Tu-Sa). This is an important event for all ACL members.
The 36th ACL Festival Young Composers Competition
The Asian Composers League Festival in Christchurch, New Zealand invites works from composers under the age of 30 (born after 2 May 1990) for string trio: violin, viola and cello (or 2 violins and cello). Works should be under 6 minutes in duration.
By submitting works to this Call, composers agree that if their work is selected for performance/presentation, they grant automatic permission for the ACL performance/presentation of their work to be recorded, broadcast, and streamed from the website without additional financial liability to the ACL or the Festival Organisers.
Deadline has now been extended to 23 Dec 19 (M). Young composers, this is the final deadline extension.
INFORMATION REQUIRED for each Work to be submitted is:
The composer’s personal and contact information: Given names; Family name; Name as it should appear in the programme; Date of birth; full Mailing address; Gender; Phone no.; email address; website (if applicable).
Work information: Title; Submission Category; Accurate duration; Year of composition; Statement of whether the work has been previously performed.
The score (.pdf document preferred), or audio/video documentation if the work does not have a written score – as described in the Work Categories.
An audio or video recording of the work (if available).
Programme notes for the submitted work in English (maximum 100 words).
Technical rider specifying all equipment necessary to perform the work.
Short biography of the composer in English (maximum 100 words).
High-resolution digital photograph of the composer.
As this is an event by Asian Composers League (ACL), Singaporean composers and Singapore-based composers must be members of the Composers Society of Singapore (CSS) in order to be eligible. Those interested must email their submissions, as a ZIP file or a Dropbox link to their ZIP file, to composerssocietyofsingapore [at] gmail [dot] com by 23 Dec 2019 (M) 2359 hrs SGT (GMT+8) . All submissions must go through ACL’s selection process.
Remember to sign up for or renew your CSS membership, and submit on time! Late submissions and any non-members’ submissions will not be considered. You can sign up for or renew your CSS membership at our Join page.